Tryouts, one of the most nerve racking experiences available to high school students, it comes a close second to the SATs for some people. To me tryouts should be fun and exciting, not something to freak out over. These 5 tips are things that I did when I first tried out and a couple are things that I wish I had known to do better. Even though it sounds cheesy and you probably hear it ALL the time, starting with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn is the first thing you should check off when preparing for tryouts.
Before we get into the five tips for the actual tryout there are a few things you should consider when making the decision to tryout. Also these tips are for high school cheer, I cheer at a smaller high school so all of these tips may or may nor apply if you are trying out for college or all-star.
Cheer Expenses.
Cheerleading is one of the most expensive sports in high school. You are going to have to pay for a uniform which for my squad ends up being close to $300, Cheer camp which varies in price but you can expect to easily pay $250 per camp as well as camp clothes if your team matches. Of course there are many ways you individually and as a team can raise funds, we participate in a variety of different fundraisers throughout the year but you can't rely on these to much because some years are more successful than others. So just be aware that there is quite a bit of expensive involved!
Personally have been lucky, About 60%-70% of my expenses have been paid for with fundraiser money. I have a summer job and do pay for the rest myself.
Time Commitment.
Cheerleaders are busy! before you decide you want to tryout look at your schedule and honestly decide if you have the time to put into cheer. My squad puts in 15+ hours a week during football season and 20+ during basketball games.
Physical Demand.
People at my school are just beginning to realize this but, cheerleading is not as easy as it looks. Stunting, tumbling, jumping, and cheering at games does take a great deal of endurance and strength.
Doing it For the Right Reasons.
Now I'm not going to tell you what the "right" reason to do cheer is because there are many. But I do know for sure what is a couple of wrong reasons. "I want to be a cheerleader so I can be popular!" No. That is the wrong reason to try out for cheer. If your motivation for cheer is based on your desire to be desired and "popular" you will be disappointed. If you were popular before becoming a cheerleader you will become a popular cheerleader, If you were not popular before becoming a cheerleader you will become an unpopular cheerleader. It really doesn't change your "status" or ranking when you put on a uniform. I will say I did gain a lot of confidence from cheer which in turn has helped me to make more friends and be more outgoing.
1. Use and Practice Sharp Motions.
Please please practice your motions in front of a mirror, make sure your high V looks like a high V. Be purposeful with your motions. hold your muscles tight when doing cheers and dances, this will give you strong motions that really pop and looks clean. Keeping motions sharp show you are prepared and confident. Always practice using good strong motions, if you practice with them you will more than likely have great motions come tryout day. As cheerleader you will always be told to use sharp precise motions
2. Know the Material, Take it Home and Practice it.
If you are serious about wanting to get on the squad you need to demonstrate your ability to learn cheers and choreography in a short amount of time. Many schools have practices or clinics before the actual tryout. Do your best to go to all the practices. To learn a dance and numerous cheers in a week and have them performance ready is challenging for anyone.To properly prepare yourself for the tryout practice the routine and cheers as much as you possibly can. ( after homework of course, gotta keep your priorities straight.) Although it can be embarrassing, if you are not used to performing in front of others, practicing in front of your parents, friends, and brother or sister can help you know what it will feel like the day of tryouts.
3. Ask Questions and Don't be Afraid to ask for help.
This is something I wish I would have known my first year. The coaches are there to help, the choreographer is there to teach you the material, if you need more help or are confused about anything ASK! I was really shy and thought I just had to figure it all our on my own when there was lots of people around me willing to help me. So if you have a question ask it. Odds are some of the other girls trying out are wondering the same thing as you are. If you need help it is way better to ask and know for sure than risk doing the wrong thing at tryouts.
4. Dress Like a Cheerleader.
This is not necessarily a make or break your position on the squad, but I think it can score you a few points with the judges. Different schools have different judging categories, At our school appearance is one of 5 or 6 categories we are scored on. I would suggest wearing your school colors is possible. Making sure that what you wear follows your schools guidelines and is appropriate is important. You are going to be nervous on the day of tryouts so make sure you are comfortable with what you wear. Some schools may tell you what to wear, if this is the case than wear whatever they say you should. A big thing to remember is to put your hair up and out of your face. If you have bangs pin them out of your face. I personally would just do a high pony with a poof. Keep your make-up light and natural, the judges what to see YOU! Not your school colors painted all over your face. This one is optional, but I love them soo: cheer bows. I think it just pulls the whole look together. If you don't have a cheer bow that's completely fine! They probably wouldn't score you any differently. My first year I made my own cheer bow from an online tutorial and it was a lot of fun!
5. Have Fun and be Confident! You've Got This!
If you only remember one thing from reading this, remember this: Have fun, be confident and smile even if you mess up. The judges are going to be looking for girls (or guys!) who can be confident in front of hundreds of people and to lead them in cheers and perform in front of them. Now is the time to pull out your biggest smile, a positive attitude and to go out there and have fun! If you have been practicing at home with sharp motions you should be confident in the material, now is the time to show off all your hard work.You might mess up a motion, or be behind on the dance, but that's okay, now its time to show the judges that you can stay positive and get right back on track without losing your confidence. if its a small mistake and you stay confident and smiling and jump right back in chances are, the judges won't even notice you messed up. You will have to deal with nerves on the day of tryouts but do your best to think of it like you are going to go out there and show the judges all your hard work and have a whole lot of fun doing something you love. Because if you really love it and are having fun it will be obvious to the judges that you are confident and deserve a spot on the squad.
Buddy must be a cheerleader...
I hope these tips have helped you. I wish you all the luck at your tryouts! Remember no one ever gave is best and regretted it! No matter if you make the varsity squad, the JV squad or no squad at all. Cheer or any sport doesn't define you. You're awesome! If you gave it your best shot and had a lot of fun than go you! Life is all about choices and taking chances. Its better to have failed and learned from it than to live with regret and wonder what could have happened for the rest of your life.
Let me know in the comments if you have any questions, or if you are a experienced cheerleader feel free to add your own tips!